Wotlk Hacks Download

Sep 25, 2020 At the moment, I only provide support for WotLK Profiles for nHub. PQR DarhangeR 3.3.5a. Profile Status & ChangeLog. Support Status Meanings. BEST - use multispec rotattion for max DPS. works well, but not as I would like) - currently unknown or in development.


Hunter Tracking : When enabled to whatever setting you choose you will be able to track things like hunters do.Herbs/Minerals/Treasure : When enabled to whatever setting you choose you will be able to find herbs, Minerals, Treasure etc.Speed Hack : There are different settings for speed as well as a 'User Input' Mode which you can set your own.Wall Climb On/Off : When Enabled this will allow you to Climb up Walls.

Fall Damage On/Off : Turns off Fall Damage.

Teleport to Plane : This function makes you invisible to any NPC or PC, you even disappear from their radar if they could track you. You warp to a plane where no one can touch you nor can you touch anyone. It's abit hard to navigate so I suggest you use the mini map for that.

Fly Mode : Lets you fly as if you where a GM with .fly mode on (like swimming in the air)

Levitate : Lets you Levitate you can go over water and you fall slower.

Normal : Default movement state (walking normal)

Gravity : Lets you alter the Gravity. This allows you to jump higher and so on etc. I Strongly suggest you use no fall damage with this as you might find your self suffering massive damage.

Teleport : You can add locations and select locations to teleport to. I Suggest you try and keep the teleports in between about half of the map to avoid possible problems.
* : Places the current Location in to the Teleport Box's.
Corpse : When dead it will teleport you to your corpse or try to.

Spirit : When dead it will teleport you to the spirit healer. Allow Model Hacks : To use this, you must start WoWEmuHacker before you log-in and enable this feature. If your default char is not
The model which you are editing you can enable the feature before entering the realm. I strongly suggest enabling before
you log-in to avoid any client problems that might arise if it detects patch.mpq's it does not agree with.

No Clip : When Enabled you can use the defined hotkey to inch your self forward into objects/Through walls etc.
P to P Teleport : This feature is for use in close range teleporting. You can setup 3 locations
by using the Defined hotkeys and then teleporting by using defined hotkeys
Main uses are for PVP or kiting.

Water Breathing : As the name says this option will allow you to breath underwater. This option also enables you to stay mounted in water.
You Might also find this option allows you to do some other things as well.

Get Loc : I have been ware of a bug which has caused WoWEmuHacker to randomly Crash after zoning etc, So I have removed the auto updated
Current Loc function, and replaced it with a Get Loc button. I figure that the avg player does not just sit around
watching the numbers anyway. Hit this button, and it will return your current location.

Controls :

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List : Opens up the teleport list dialog box.
Select Process : Use this when you have started WoWEmuHacker before starting wow to select the process. *Note: This is not needed if you are starting wow using the 'Start WoW' Option*
Start WoW : Use this if you need to launch wow patched for Model Hacks/Edits. It will start the wow.exe you select and patch it before it starts up. Ideal for DBC type model edits.

Setup HotKeys : WoWEmuHacker allows you to setup hotkeys to do a wide array of things, and to control WEH options, from here you can setup your keys. Help : As the name says it will display a help box with info such as posted above.

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New Features Include:
Faction - Allows you to alter your faction and attack people of your race while you/they are pvp flagged or you can attack NPCs of your faction.
Rosetta Stone - As the name says it allows you to understand all languages.
Air Jump - This feature allows you to double jump / climb in the air or over objects using jump rather then flying etc.

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Hi everyone, we're selling a whole bunch of scripts working for ALL 3.3.5a/WOTLK servers including Arena Tournament, Molten WoW, WoW Sulvus, Zhyper-Pwnage, etc.
Here's a list of scripts that we currently have available:
GCD Hack This 'GCD hack' will decrease the Global CD (as the name states) by 0.2s and every spell's cooldown by 0.2s-0.8s, it's impossible for other people to know if you're using it.
One example of the utility of this cheat is that in WP mirrors you will do around 300k more damage than the enemy warrior, without being obvious at all.
D E A T H K N I G H T Class
- 'Mind Freeze' in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:
* Healing Spells
* CC Spells
* Important Dps Spells ('Vampiric Touch', 'Immolate', etc.).
- 'Mind Freeze' not Usable if:
* 'Aura Mastery'/'Divine Shield'/'Ice Block'/'Grounding Totem'/etc. is up;
* Target is not Casting/Channeling.
- 'Horn of Winter': Being used if it's not up anymore.
- 'Anti-Magic: Shell' on 'Death Coil'.
- 'Lichborne': Being canceled if 'Anti-Magic Shell' is not up and a Paladin is in range to 'Turn Evil'.
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
D R U I D Class :
- Stopcasting 'Cyclone', if Target has 'Spell Reflection'/'Grounding Totem' up and 'Fearie Fire' it.
- 'Instant Cyclone' not Usable if: 'Divine Shield'/'Anti-Magic: Shell'/'Spell Reflection'/etc. is up.
- FakeCast:
* 'Kick' on 'Shadowstep'.
* 'Pummel'.
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
D R U I D - F E R A L_R O T A T I O N:
- Stopcasting 'Cyclone', if Target has 'Spell Reflection'/'Grounding Totem' up and 'Fearie Fire' it.
- 'Instant Cyclone' not Usable if: 'Divine Shield'/'Anti-Magic: Shell'/'Spell Reflection'/etc. is up.
- FakeCast:
* 'Kick' on 'Shadowstep'.
* 'Pummel'.
- 'Remove Curse' being used to dispel 'Hex' on Party1/2.
- AutoRotation:
* DMG-Rotation
* 'Cyclone' being used to counter Heal- and CC-Spells
* 'Maim' being used to counter Heal-Spells
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
H U N T E R Class :
- 'Silencing Shot' in Last Second for Arena1-3, if Party1-2 is CC'd. Interrupted Spells:
* 'Hex'/'Polymorph'.
- 'Aimed Shot': Being used if 'Divine Shield'/'Hand of Protection'/'Ice Block'/etc. disappears.
- 'Growl': Being used if 'Grounding Totem' is up on Arena1-3.
- 'Feign Death' on 'Shadowstep'.
- Pet:
* 'Cower'(45% Damage-Reduction): Being used if Your Pet is below 40% HP;
* 'Last Stand': Being used if Your Pet is below 15% HP.
M A G E Class :
- 'Counterspell' Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: 'Hex'/'Polymorph'.
- 'Counterspell' not Usable if: 'Divine Shield'/'Ice Block'/'Grounding Totem'/etc. is up.
- 'Deep Freeze' not Usable if: 'Anti-Magic: Shell'/'Ice Block'/'Grounding Totem'/etc. is up.
- Stopcasting, if your Target has 'Spell Reflection'/'Grounding Totem' up and 'Ice Lance' it.
- Stopcasting 'Polymorph', if 'Shadow Word: Death' is Casted on You or any friendly ArenaTarget.
- FakeCast:
* 'Kick' on 'Shadowstep'.
* 'Pummel'.
- 'Ice Barrier': Being used if it's not up anymore and Arena1-3 can't Dispel it.
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
P A L A D I N Class :
- 'Turn Evil'/'Holy Wrath' on Arena1-3Pet's (Succubus) 'Seduction'-Cast, if it's casted on You.
- 'Hammer of Justice': Not Usable into /'CoS'/'Ice Block'/'Bladestorm'/'Spell Reflection'/etc.
- 'Turn Evil': Being used on any ranged Arena1-3 DK with 'Lichborne' up.
- 'Turn Evil': Not Usable into 'Grounding Totem'.
- 'Divine Sacrifice' on 'Scatter Shot'.
- FakeCast:
* 'Kick' on 'Shadowstep'.
* 'Pummel'.
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
- Auto 'Divine Plea'. (Protection)
- Unstealth 'Vanish' with 'Divine Storm'. (Retribution)
R O G U E Class :
- 'Vanish' on 'Death Coil'.
- 'Dismantle' on 'Bladestorm'.
- 'Kick' First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:
* Healing Spells;
* CC Spells;
* Important Dps Spells ('Vampiric Touch', 'Immolate', etc.).
- 'Kick' not Usable if:
* 'Aura Mastery'/'Divine Shield'/'Ice Block'/etc. is up;
* Target is not Casting/Channeling
- Sap will be casted on Targets being under: 'Stealth', 'Prowl', 'Shadowmeld', 'Vanish'
S H A M A N :
- 'Grounding Totem' on 'Hex'.
- 'Tremor Totem': Being used if a ranged Party1-2 Member is under any 'Fear'-Spell.
- Stopcasting, if your Target has 'Spell Reflection'/'Grounding Totem' up and 'Purge' it.
- 'Cleanse Spirit': Being used to Dispel 'Hex'/'Curse of Tongues' off a ranged Party1-2 Member.
- 'Water Shield'/'Lightning Shield': Being used if it's not up anymore and (NoCast).
- 'Wind Shear' in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:
* CC Spells: 'Hex'/'Polymorph'/'Seduction'/'Fear'/'Cyclone';
* Healing Spells: Just if Arena1-3 is not a Warlock/Shaman/Druid or Mage.
- FakeCast:
* 'Kick' on 'Shadowstep'.
* 'Pummel'.
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
W A R L O C K _ U L T R A :
- Stopcasting, if Target has 'Spell Reflection'/'Grounding Totem' up then 'Curse of the Elements' it.
- If any Arena1-3 Rogue has 'Shadow Dance' up, is in Meele-Range and has You as Target:
* 'Demonic Circle: Portal' (Avoiding 'Cheap Shot' 99%).
- 'Spell Lock' in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:
* Healing Spells;
* CC Spells.
- 'Spell Lock' not Usable if: 'Aura Mastery'/'Divine Shield'/'Ice Block'/etc. is up.
- Destruction: If You get kicked on Fire-Spells then 'Shadow Bolt' will be casted instead.
- Affliction: If You get kicked on Shadow-Spells then 'Searing Pain' will be casted instead.
- Seduction-FakeCast: If Succubus getting SWD'd it will stop the 'Seduction'-Cast.
- 'Death Coil': Not Usable into:
* 'Divine Shield'/'CoS'/'Ice Block'/'Detterence'/'Bladestorm'/etc;
* In 'Grounding Totem'/'Spell Reflection' it will use 'Curse of the Elements' instead.
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
- Mouseover 'Tremor Totem' for PetAttack at it.
W A R L O C K _ C S :
- 'Spell Lock' in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:
* Healing Spells;
* CC Spells.
W A R R I O R Class - A R M S :
- 'Overpower' on every Cast/Channel.
- 'Bash'/'Pummel' First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:
* Healing Spells;
* CC Spells;
* Important Dps Spells ('Vampiric Touch', 'Immolate', etc.).
- Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:
* 'Aura Mastery'/'Divine Shield'/'Ice Block'/etc. is up;
* Target is not Casting/Channeling.
- Healing Spells won't get Interrupted, if 'Overpower' is available.
- 'Spell Reflection': If 'Shield' is equipped, a CC Spell is casted on You and Interrupt not in Range.
- 'Shattering Thrown': Is being used to remove 'Ice Block'/'Hand of Protection'/'Divine Shield'
- 'Vanish': If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses 'Vanish' You will catch him (15-20yards).
- Succubus: If 'Seduction' is up on Party1-2:
* Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;
* 'Charge' Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;
* 'Intercept' Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and 'Charge' is on Cooldown.
- 'Intervene': If 'Scatter Shot' is up on Party1-2 You will 'Intervene' to him.
- 'Shadowfiend': If 'Shadowfiend' is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will 'Fear' it.
- 'Charge'/'Intercept': If Your current Target is about to die:
* 'Charge' Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;
* 'Intercept' back to Your Main-Target.
* 'Disarm' on 'Bladestorm' ('Intervene' being used, if needed)
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
W A R R I O R - P R O T E C T I O N :
- 'Shield Bash' Last Second. Interrupted Spells:
* Healing Spells;
* CC Spells;
* Important Dps Spells ('Vampiric Touch', 'Immolate', etc.).
- Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:
* 'Aura Mastery'/'Divine Shield'/'Ice Block'/etc. is up;
* Target is not Casting/Channeling.
- 'Spell Reflection', if 'Shield Bash' is not in Range on:
* CC Spells;
* Important Dps Spells ('Vampiric Touch', 'Immolate', etc.).
- 'Heroic Throw' Silence if:
* 'Spell Reflection' not Usable
* 'Shield Bash' not Usable
- 'Shattering Thrown': Is being used to remove 'Ice Block'/'Hand of Protection'/'Divine Shield'
- 'Vanish': If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses 'Vanish' You will catch him (15-20yards).
- Succubus: If 'Seduction' is up on Party1-2:
* Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;
* 'Charge' Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;
* 'Intercept' Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and 'Charge' is on Cooldown.
- 'Intervene': If 'Scatter Shot' is up on Party1-2 You will 'Intervene' to him.
- 'Shadowfiend': If 'Shadowfiend' is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will 'Fear' it.
- 'Charge'/'Intercept': If Your current Target is about to die:
* 'Intercept' Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;
* 'Charge' back to Your Main-Target.
* 'Disarm' on 'Bladestorm' ('Intervene' being used, if needed)
- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.
R A N G E - H A C K:
- Arena Tournament: +2 Yards Range = 7 Yards. - For Every Meele-Spell
- Any Other Server: +7 Yards Range = 12 Yards. - For Every Meele-Spell
Interrupt Script/Focus Interrupt Script: £7.32 / €10 / $11.34 per script
Range Patch: £10.60 / €15 / $16.31
Everything else: Everything else: £17.47 / €25 / $27.26 per script
If you are interested in making a purchase feel free to add wowscriptstore on Skype.
We only accept PayPal.
Additional Note: We are able to get a hold of all types of scripts for any class/spec; if you would like one in particular that isn't on our list, let us know and we'll see if we can get it for you.